Observations placeholder
Long distance lorry driving
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
by jimmy m » Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:04 am
this should be interesting. I was speaking with one of my workmates last week and the conversation got round to working every hour God sent on the continent about 20 years ago. He said it took him about a year for his body clock to adjust, and that he went through the hallucinating bit for a lot of that time. Just pushing and pushing to get the job done and not getting enough sleep.
Now the interesting thing was he told me that there were 2 main things he "SAW", and that other drivers he spoke to about it at the time said they saw the same things. I'm going to let this thread run for a few weeks, and If you have experienced it, let me know what you thought was there and I will tell you the 2 things he told me he saw the most
by switchlogic » Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:01 am
Roadworks. I've changed lanes for non existent roadworks before now
by scottie0011 » Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:48 am
This ^ again, and also tractors on the motorway and an old favourite was a horse and cart on the A66
by truckerjon » Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:53 am
When i used to do some taxi work years ago, i picked up a doctor from Harley street and took him to Oxford. At that time there was some advert with a giant hedgehog crushing cars, and as we went up the M40, a flat bed went the other way with this hedgehog on the trailer. The doctor, who was nodding off didn't see it, when I said about it, he just gave me a funny look.
when we got to Oxford, it was about the time that the summer parties take place for all the Grads, and on the High St, we were passed by a man driving a jeep dressed as a giant banana. Again the doctor was nodding off and missed it, giving me another funny look. After I got back to the yard, i found out that the ~Doctor was a leading Psychiatrist!
by Andydisco » Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:20 pm
its none existant traffic lights for me , a few months back coming back down a country lane nr spalding at 4am ish, id been feeling rough and hadnt had much kip during the day and driving back down a lane after dropping a generator at afarm in the middle of the nowhere, i saw the lights go from amber to red in an instant so stopped the wagon rather sharpish and then sat there a minute waitng for them to change when i realised that the lights wasnt really there so found the next entrance to a field pulled in and had some kip
by jimmy m » Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:05 am
okay, I will tell you what I was told............and if you have seen them then let me know. No lies please. number one was a white van in front of you which you stood on the brakes to avoid hitting, and the other was a pile of sand. Only what I was told. P.S. after reading some of your comments, I'm convinced all us lorry drivers are [zb] bonkers.
hotel magnum wrote:after reading this lot im not sure i want to return to work, i dont think it is safe out there
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Sleep deprivation, insomnia and mental exhaustionSuppressions
Sensory deprivationSuppression of learning