Observations placeholder
Liu Bolin - Disappearing into heaven
Type of Spiritual Experience
Liu Bolin (TED Talk: The invisible man) takes the artist statement to another level — by actually disappearing into what he wants to say. Bolin makes some rather bold statements about consumerism, mass culture — even the Chinese government — rather quietly, by creating and wearing suits that allow him to blend seamlessly into the background of his images.
In 2013, Bolin began to include other people in his images. He took this picture in a village in rural China whose residents had been deeply impacted by a nearby chemical plant. “Every night, the chemical plant emitted noxious gas. The local crops became inedible. The local groundwater became seriously polluted. Natural mortality rate doubled,” he says; he pays tribute to some of the survivors here. Hiding in the City — Cancer Village, by Liu Bolin, 2013. Photograph courtesy Klein Sun Gallery, New York
A description of the experience