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Lethbridge, T C - The Power of the Pendulum – Mrs V Beresford prophecies Ronan Point
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
T C Lethbridge – The Power of the Pendulum
8 November 1968. Dream from Mrs V. Beresford. Extract from her letter, which arrived that day:
On 16th April this year I wrote in my diary-and told Miss Plant about it in the morning-I had a dreadful dream. I saw the whole side of a block of buildings collapse. I saw the furniture hurled down and people screamed in terror; the dust was thick as smoke, I heard someone say: 'Collapsed like a pack of cards.' Now as I say I told Miss Plant in the morning (she will bear me out in this). Exactly a month later the block of flats at Ronans Point [actually Ronan Point] went and the headlines were: 'Collapsed like a pack of cards', said an onlooker. Now in some way I was able to reach up and grab a bit of the future, but why me, I had no one there, and I knew no one connected with it.