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Observations placeholder

Lethbridge, T C - The Power of the Pendulum – Colin Franklin prophecies a Hotel Fire



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

T C Lethbridge – The Power of the Pendulum

18 November 1968. I had a letter from Colin Franklin dated l4 November 1968. In this he said:

I stupidly did not have a pencil by me last night, but record clearly a moonlight bathing and then in the middle of it near some bathing hut I looked back and saw the huge hotel building with smoke, far too much of it, coming out of the chimneys. I began to realise it was on fire and suggested to my companions that we must go straight back there. I had clear doubts and wonderings about dashing upstairs and finding my family and that is all I can recall, although now (still before eleven in the morning) I can see the uncommonly solid Edwardian hotel building, rectangular, very high, lots of chimneys, very large and I wonder where the tragedy is going to happen, or did happen. Nothing to do with me so far.

Now this is absolutely clear. The letter was written on 14 November. Colin had no idea what caused his dream.   In the 7 a.m. news of 17 November we were told about the tragic fire in a Brighton Hotel in which seven people died. On the television news that evening the building was shown and corresponded in a remarkable way to that which he had described.

The source of the experience

Lethbridge, Thomas Charles

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


