Observations placeholder
Laubscher, B J F – The widow’s tale - I was excited and said 'Oh Dad' and again he vanished
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
B J Laubscher – Where Mystery dwells
Mrs. Gogh wrote to tell me of her psychic experiences, describing those visions which enliven our thoughts about those that come from and retire into the unseen realms of existence.
"I feel that I must write to you after your appeal in the press. I am a widow and lost my husband two-and-a-half years ago after forty years of married life. He is always so near to me and has appeared three times during the last three months. I woke one night and there to my surprise I saw him lying in the bed next to me. He disappeared as I spoke to him.
On another occasion while awake I heard a scraping sound, and there he was sitting in his rocking chair cleaning his pipe with his knife. Again he disappeared when I spoke to him. Two weeks ago I woke with a pressure on my foot, I looked up and there he was standing at the foot-end of the bed smiling so sweetly at me.
I was excited and said "Oh Dad" and again he vanished. I must add that my room is very light at night so I saw him quite plainly.