Observations placeholder
Laubscher, B J F – Astra goes out of body to a friend
Type of Spiritual Experience
Showing that the hallucination of one person may be the OBE of another
A description of the experience
B J Laubscher – Where Mystery dwells
A charming letter from East London under the nom de plume of Astra (although the real name is known to me) describes an experience which cannot be anything else but astral projection during an illness guided by the affinities of friendship and sympathy. She wrote :
"Three weeks ago I was very ill with pneumonia and was delirious one night, during which time my best friend who lives in England (Suffolk) saw me in her bedroom and she had not yet gone to bed.
The strange part about it was that she saw me as I used to be years ago and also as I am now after a recent operation for cancer. She sat down immediately and wrote to me and I received this letter a few days later, when it crossed my note to her telling her of my sudden and almost fatal illness."