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Observations placeholder

Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - When you end attachment completely then love is



Type of Spiritual Experience


The simplest way to ascertain whether you love something or someone is to ask yourself whether the same feelings would remain for them if they had no possessions, no money, their looks had gone, they were perhaps crippled with old age, unable to have sex or drive, perhaps incontinent or frail, unable to 'look after you'.  Imagine them old, ill, penniless – but still them.

Is 'love' still there?  Do you really love them or do you love what they bring as transitory 'possessions'.

All things must pass, all things must pass away.

Now ask the same thing about the person who says they love you.    Do they really love you?  Would they have the same feelings  for you if you had no possessions, no money, your looks had gone, you were perhaps crippled with old age, unable to have sex or drive, perhaps incontinent or frail.

Would 'love' for you still be there?  Do they really love you as a person or do they love what you bring as transitory 'possessions'.

No one can actually have happiness if they, in their hearts, know they are not loved for themselves but for what they can do for someone.  It is a life of huge uncertainty and insecurity riddled with constant fear that they will lose the person they have attached themselves to based on the others dependence on them.

So this process is to base your loving on only those you love without attachment, without any form of dependence, in a sense to become wholly 'independent'.

A description of the experience

J.  Krishnamurti – The Network of Thought

Where you end something, love is.  When you end attachment completely then love is

The source of the experience

Krishnamurti, Jiddu

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




