Observations placeholder
Klonopin cold turkey effects
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
chris on Jun, 4, 2011:
i have been taking clonzepam and trazedone and my speech is a very hoarse voice, I am wondering if if my speech problem is from these drugs's side effects.
TwoDimes on Apr, 15, 2012:
Upon occasion, I, too, have become hoarse and from the use of Klonopin. I was VERY hoarse when I tried to cold turkey off of 4mgs of Klonopin. I am now down to 1.5mgs per day and, still, (as I said, upon occasion, I become hoarse. I am sure that the use of Klonopin is the causative factor. - TwoDimes -
SammySushi on Jul, 10, 2012:
Omigosh, never cold turkey clonopin, esp that high of a dose. My dad had a major seizure and hallucinations doing so.