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Observations placeholder

Dixon, Jeane - Diagnoses Grayson Headley's illness



Type of Spiritual Experience


An interesting observation because it shows both her ability to diagnose potential illness and then guess the likely outcome.  It was not prophecy, she could have already sensed that the man was ill and where he was ill as well as the seriousness of the illness.  It is apparently not done based on auras, auras are never mentionned in Ruth's book, but it is possible that Ruth did not know about auras.

A description of the experience

Ruth Montgomery – A Gift of Prophecy

Before Patricia married Grayson Headley in 1946, Jeane read for her fiance and foresaw that he would have an illness which would be extremely difficult to diagnose. She warned them both that when this time came he must immediately secure the best possible medical attention or it would be too late.

Eighteen years later Mrs. Headley recalls Jeane's prophecy as if it were yesterday, saying:

"About five years before my husband's death, he was told that he had lymphosarcoma, a deadly cancer of the glands that takes one's life more quickly than leukemia. The doctors gave him no more than a year to live, but they were wrong. Four years later he began complaining of pain in his throat and visited several physicians.

Each one sent him home with a prescription for antibiotics and the assurance that nothing was seriously wrong. When he finally had a biopsy it was too late. He had cancer of the larynx, and despite an operation he passed away six months later. An autopsy showed that he had never had lymphosarcoma, which had been a mistaken diagnosis. Jeane was right."

The source of the experience

Dixon, Jeane

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

