Observations placeholder
IBS and exclusion diets
Type of Spiritual Experience
This paper is fascinating as although it tends to confirm the oft repeated finding that gluten/wheat is a major problem for some people, it also highlights that red meat can also be.
The question we now need to ask is why? Is it just an intolerance to red meat, or has something been done to the meat these people consumed that caused the problems. Was anything done at all, or have antiobiotics, various treatments for diseases and land spread with artificial fertilisers caused any problems.
Well worth more investigation.
A description of the experience
Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jul;100(7):1550-7. Food-specific serum IgG4 and IgE titers to common food antigens in irritable bowel syndrome. - Zar S, Benson MJ, Kumar D. OGEM Department, St Georges Hospital Medical School, Blackshaw Road, London, UK.
INTRODUCTION: Food hypersensitivity is a common perception among irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients. Data from dietary elimination and food challenge studies support an etiopathological role of diet in IBS, but there are no well-established tests to identify food hypersensitivity.
AIM: To compare IgG4 and IgE titers to common food antigens in IBS and controls.
METHOD: One hundred and eight IBS patients
- 52 diarrhea-predominant (D-IBS);
- 32 constipation-predominant (C-IBS);
- 24 alternating (Alt-IBS)], and
- 43 controls
were included in the study. IgG4 and IgE titers and skin prick testing (SPT) to 16 common foods including milk, eggs, cheese, wheat, rice, potatoes, chicken, beef, pork, lamb, fish, shrimps, soya bean, yeast, tomatoes, and peanuts were measured.
IgG4 - IBS had significantly higher IgG4 titers (mug/L) to:
- wheat (395 IQR +/- 1,011 vs 0 IQR +/- 285, p < 0.001),
- beef (1,079 IQR +/- 930 vs 617 IQR +/- 435, p < 0.001),
- pork (481 IQR +/- 379 vs 258 IQR +/- 496, p < 0.001), and
- lamb (241 IQR +/- 460 vs 167 IQR +/- 232, p= 0.009)
compared to controls. These differences were maintained across all three subgroups. The antibody titers to potatoes, rice, fish, chicken, yeast, tomato, and shrimps were not significantly different.
IgE - No significant difference in IgE titers was observed between IBS and controls.
SPT - was positive for only a single antigen in 5 of 56 patients tested with the same panel of foods. No correlation was seen between the pattern of elevated IgG4 antibody titers and patients' symptoms.
CONCLUSION: Serum IgG4 antibodies to common foods like wheat, beef, pork, and lamb are elevated in IBS patients. In keeping with the observation in other atopic conditions, this finding suggests the possibility of a similar pathophysiological role for IgG4 antibodies in IBS.
PMID: 15984980