Observations placeholder
Hundreds of people all walking around my physical body in a big circle with their heads bowed
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
I had My 1st OBE some 14 years ago. I was up late drawing and desperately trying to finish an art project when i took a second to rub my eyes. Next thing i knew was i was staring at the back of my own head (i was still in the position like i was rubbing my eyes) and i was drifting away from myself. I became aware of something moving around in the room. It looked like a grey mist, which became more opaque as i looked at it until i could make out what looked like hundreds of people all walking around my physical body in a big circle with their heads bowed. I couldn't make out any features or distinct colours, just blackness, like shadow. Fear hit hard and I suddenly found myself on the sofa in my body again, at which point i left the room as i was no longer comfortable in there. <br />
Has anyone had an experience like this? :(
venusmantra 31-35 Mar 5, 2012