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Observations placeholder

Hot winds and panic attacks



Type of Spiritual Experience



Panic attacks can cause dissociation and out of body.

A description of the experience

Int J Biometeorol. 2005 Mar;49(4):238-43. Epub 2004 Nov 18. Panic anxiety, under the weather?  Bulbena A, Pailhez G, Aceña R, Cunillera J, Rius A, Garcia-Ribera C, Gutiérrez J, Rojo C. Department of Psychiatry, Institut d'Atenció Psiquiàtrica: Salut Mental i Toxicomanies, IMAS, Hospital del Mar, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona, Passeig Maritim 29, 08003 Barcelona, Spain. abulbena@acmcb.es

The relationship between weather conditions and psychiatric disorders has been a continuous subject of speculation due to contradictory findings.

This study attempts to further clarify this relationship by focussing on specific conditions such as panic attacks and non-panic anxiety in relation to specific meteorological variables.

All psychiatric emergencies attended at a general hospital in Barcelona (Spain) during 2002 with anxiety as main complaint were classified as panic or non-panic anxiety according to strict independent and retrospective criteria.

Both groups were assessed and compared with meteorological data (wind speed and direction, daily rainfall, temperature, humidity and solar radiation). Seasons and weekend days were also included as independent variables. Non-parametric statistics were used throughout since most variables do not follow a normal distribution. Logistic regression models were applied to predict days with and without the clinical condition.

Episodes of panic were three times more common with the poniente wind (hot wind), twice less often with rainfall, and one and a half times more common in autumn than in other seasons.

These three trends (hot wind, rainfall and autumn) were accumulative for panic episodes in a logistic regression formula. Significant reduction of episodes on weekends was found only for non-panic episodes.

Panic attacks, unlike other anxiety episodes, in a psychiatric emergency department in Barcelona seem to show significant meteorotropism. Assessing specific disorders instead of overall emergencies or other variables of a more general quality could shed new light on the relationship between weather conditions and behaviour.

PMID: 15726446

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Going out in violent weather

