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Hellstrom, Eva - Prophecy of the landslide in Goteborg, Sweden that poured into the Gota Alv river in 1950
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Herbert B Greenhouse – Premonitions: A leap into the Future
On September 16th – 17th 1950, Mrs Hellstrom had a dream that was so ‘realistic’, she immediately recorded it in her diary. Her daughter-in-law and her maid witnessed her entry in the morning. She notes that the dream came in symbolic form.
I dreamed last night that my husband received a letter written by hand with ink . . . something about an accident- 16 people killed. I remember thinking: "Since they write Bo about it, I suppose it must be some catastrophe at a dam-construction or similar site. [Mr. Hellstrom was an engineer.] Or somebody close to him was killed . . ." The letter came from Goteborg.
Signed Eva Hellstrom
I have been told the above dream which I hereby verify. Sept 17th 1950
Anna Britta Hellstrom
Also undersigned September 20th, 1950.
Helga Eriksson
12 days later, on September 29, a landslide of clay deposits swept over a village outside Goteborg, Sweden, and poured into the Gota Alv River. 35 houses were demolished, leaving 300 people homeless, while 20 persons were hurt and 1 died. A Swedish newspaper called it the greatest natural catastrophe in the history of Sweden.
Mrs. Hellstrom writes that of seven premonitions of natural catastrophes, this was the only one in symbolic form. It would appear from the dream that she was emotionally linked with Goteborg and the Gota Alv River by her husband's work as a consulting engineer and by her residence there at the beginning of her married life.