Observations placeholder
Give 100 per cent at work
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Give 100 per cent at work
Some of us - those who’ve retired
Admit that we have much admired
The doggedness of those who work
And ne’er a single task do shirk
Each day they toil until they’re beat
To bring the bacon home to eat
For us – who rest and have hot showers
And get up at unearthly hours
And we are grateful- have no doubt
Without them - how’d we get about ?
And shop for clothes and do our nails
And go on outings to the sales
Of course we do our bit - they know
We clean and cook and wash the clothes
And do the garden, bills we pay
And organise all holidays
So this sign has me foxed for real
Is this what our plucky workers feel?
The ones on whose broad shoulders we -
The retired ones - depend for tea
Does this sign mean and dare I say
They work as hard as we here play?