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Gautier, Theophile - Becomes an elephant
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
A description of the experience
Theophile Gautier – The Club of Assassins
'That wretched Daucus Carota who sold his legs for drink has filched your head and replaced it, not with an ass's head as Puck served Bottom, but with the head of an elephant!'
Most intrigued, I went straight to the mirror and saw that the information was not incorrect.
You could have mistaken me for a Hindu or Javanese idol; my brow had risen and my nose, elongated into a trunk, was coiled over my chest, my ears swept my shoulders and to top it all, I was the colour of indigo, like Shiva the Blue God.
Furious with rage, I started to pursue Daucus-Carota who leapt and screamed, showing every sign of extreme terror; I managed to catch him and hit him so violently against the table that in the end he returned my head which he had wrapped in his handkerchief