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Fort, Charles - The Book of the Damned - Falls of ‘meteors’ and ‘meteorites’
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Book of the Damned - Charles Fort
There are so many storms and so many meteors and meteorites that it would be extraordinary if there were no concurrences.
Rept. Brit. Assoc., 1860
The famous fall of stones at Siena, Italy, 1794--"in a violent storm."
Greg's Catalogues
many instances. One that stands out is--"bright ball of fire and light in a hurricane in England, Sept. 2, 1786." The remarkable datum here is that this phenomenon was visible forty minutes. That's about 800 times the duration that the orthodox give to meteors and meteorites.
Annual Register
-many instances.
Nature, Oct. 25, 1877, and the London Times, Oct. 15, 1877
something that fell in a gale of Oct. 14, 1877, is described as a "huge ball of green fire." This phenomenon is described by another correspondent, in Nature, 17-10, and an account of it by another correspondent was forwarded to Nature by W.F. Denning.
Annual Register, 1885
Aerolite in a storm at St. Leonards-on-sea, England, Sept. 17, 1885—no trace of it found
Monthly Weather Review, March, 1886
meteorite in a gale, March 1, 1886, described in the Monthly Weather Review, March, 1886;
Nature, 61-111
meteorite in a thunderstorm, off coast of Greece, Nov. 19, 1899
Monthly Weather Review, July, 1883
fall of a meteorite in a storm, July 7, 1883, near Lachine, Quebec; same phenomenon noted in Nature, 28-319; meteorite in a whirlwind, Sweden, Sept. 24, 1883 Nature, 29-15.
London Roy. Soc. Proc., 6-276:
A triangular cloud that appeared in a storm, Dec. 17, 1852; a red nucleus, about half the apparent diameter of the moon, and a long tail; visible 13 minutes; explosion of the nucleus.
The Report of the British Association, 1852.
Upon page 239, Dr. Buist, says that, though it is difficult to trace connection between the phenomena, three aerolites had fallen in five months, in India, during thunderstorms, in 1851 (may have been 1852). For accounts by witnesses, see page 229 of the Report.
London Times, April 26, 1876:
That, April 20, 1876, near Wolverhampton, fell a mass of meteoritic iron during a heavy fall of rain. An account of this phenomenon in Nature, 14-272, by H.S. Maskelyne, who accepts it as authentic. Also, see Nature, 13-531.
The source of the experience
Fort, CharlesConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Geomagnetic hot spotsGeomagnetic storms and space weather
Sun spot activity [high]