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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Flying in the clouds



Type of Spiritual Experience


I am afraid I have had to edit this observation a bit, something I normally do not do.  There were paragraphs where his imagination clearly wanted to add some extra spice to the story.  So I have removed the invention and kept what I think are the facts, I hope they are the facts and the entire thing isn't a figment of his imagination.

You will see what I mean if you look at his title for the event,

and indeed "the demons in hell rejoice when someone tells a lie"

Interesting the paragraph that he had never seen his mother cry - and the fact that no one down there needed him, there is a bit more to this observation than meets the eye, more going on activity wise than I have put, but I am not going to speculate


A description of the experience



In my late 20s, I was in the neuro-intensive care unit of the hospital for bleeding in the brain and I told the nurse, "I need to see a doctor; something is worse. This is the worst I've ever felt in my life!" She told me, "I think you're just having an anxiety attack" and left the room. I knew she was wrong.

All of a sudden, I saw three men in white robes standing at the front and sides of my bed. They looked as though they were on fire with a one-inch flame around their bodies. ..... I realized these guys were not even in pain or distress, and I thought, "Wow, this is really strange." ............

The one on my left put both hands in the air, and I left my body. We floated straight up through the ceiling face first, which I thought might be painful but it did not hurt at all. We went through the hospital roof and started to ascend into the sky. I turned my body around face down and saw the roof of the building from the perspective of the sky. My view was later confirmed to be true from satellite imagery of the hospital that proves this was neither a dream nor a hallucination. I looked at the grass and the color was different. It was extra vibrant, glowing and pulsating ...

With one angel in front and two on the side, we went up high in the clouds. Then, we started moving horizontally going faster than an airplane, and they did not need wings to fly. I thought to myself, "shouldn't friction be causing me pain from wind pressure?" The angel in front spoke without using his mouth. He stated "there's no friction here." I said mind to mind why isn't gravity making me fall? He replied "there's no gravity here." I remembered learning that temperature in the clouds is extremely cold and I thought why aren't I cold? "There's no cold here" was the response. I started to think about my job and university and the angel told me "There’s no stress here!".....

This whole time we were flying. All of a sudden we started doing acrobatics and we flew straight through a cloud; it was exhilarating. The most fun I'd ever had. It is kind of like being on a rollercoaster when you go over a hill and get that "whee" feeling multiplied by a thousand. Flying through a cloud is like being kissed by a marshmallow. It's the best I know how to describe it, so awesome and cool.

Next, the angel in front turned around in slow motion facing toward me and all four of us stopped in midair. He said "we have to go back." I said "No! This is so cool and I want to feel like this forever!" I pleaded with him, "I do not have any children and I am not married. No one down there needs me!" I said "The brain I have down there is injured I don't want to go back to that body. I'd like to stay here."

....After that, I was given a life review. ..... I was shown my sales job as a young adult misleading a customer to make the sale. The angel revealed to me that the demons in hell rejoice when someone tells a lie.

All of a sudden I was in my mother's home, and I saw my Mom on the couch crying uncontrollably, which I had never seen before in my life. ...Apparently, this was a vision of the future had I been allowed to stay, ..... So I told the angel "Okay, okay, I'll go back." Instantaneously, I was back in my body

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Brain haemorrhage

