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Observations placeholder

Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun



Type of Spiritual Experience


Penguin lyric interpretation

You Make Loving Fun, the fourth single from Rumours, is definitely one of the songs that made Fleetwood Mac who they are today. When performed live, You Make Loving Fun always gets the crowd going and usually gets a "Christine McVie" shout from Lindsey Buckingham for the recognition she deserves.

Its funky keyboards and outstanding harmonies make the song unique and a favorite of many Fleetwood mac fans. In one of the few optimistic songs on Rumours, Christine tells us of her love affair of Fleetwood Mac's then lighting director, Curry Grant. While going through a rough break-up at the time with John McVie, Curry gave her something special; he made her feel valued and, of course, loved. Curry seemed to have been just what Christine needed at the time, somebody to love, and somebody to love her. "Sweet, wonderful you, you make me happy with the things you do", shows how much she adores Curry and how well he treats her.

When she sings, "I never did believe in miracles, but I have a feeling its time to try. I never did believe in the ways of magic, but I'm beginning to wonder why",

A description of the experience

Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun

Sweet wonderful you,
You make me happy with the things you do,
Oh, can it be so,
This feeling follows me wherever I go.
I never did believe in miracles,
But I've a feeling it's time to try.
I never did believe in the ways of magic,
But I'm beginning to wonder why.
Don't, don't break the spell,
It would be different and you know it will,
You, you make loving fun,
And I don't have to tell you you're the only one.
You make loving fun.
You make loving fun.

The source of the experience

Fleetwood Mac

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

