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Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 29 The phantasmal case of the castle of T., in Normandy and the watchdogs who fled, their tails low
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities
Case 84. - (Collective-Auditory.) - In the documents published by Dr. J. Morice on the phantasmal case of the castle of T., in Normandy, one of the most interesting and extraordinary cases known, Annals of Psychic Sciences, 1892-1893, pages 211-223 and 65-80, the following is reported:
He bought (M. de X., the first owner of the castle) two formidable watchdogs that were released every night, nothing happened. One day, the animals began to howl towards one of the garden's bushwhacks, with such persistence that M. de X. believed that thieves had hidden there.
He armed himself, armed his servants, surrounded the bushwhack and unleashed the dogs. They rushed there with fury, but as soon as they entered, their howling turned into plaintive barking, like those of dogs receiving a punishment. They fled, their tails low, and they could not be brought in. The men then entered the bushwhack, searched it in all directions and found absolutely nothing (p. 82-83).