Observations placeholder
Eleven year old has OBE from cardiac arrest
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences – Dr Penny Sartori
Below is a case reported to me by a man who as a child had a cardiac arrest, during which he had an NDE:
I was 11 years old and in hospital in London having my squint corrected. The operation was going fine when for no accountable reason I suffered a cardiac arrest.
I found myself floating up in a corner of the theatre watching the staff trying to resuscitate me. A metal kidney bowl fell on the floor and the surgeon kicked it away. It rebounded across the floor and hit a nurse on the ankle. The anaesthetist tried electric shocks and injections and then said, 'Got him'.
At this point I passed out and woke up in the ward. I had a number of puncture wounds to my arms and my chest hurt.
The next morning the surgeons made their rounds and the consultant said, 'You gave us some entertainment yesterday, how do you feel now?'
I replied that my eye hurt and also my chest.
He said that it was to be expected but it would all calm down in a couple of days. Did I have any questions? I said that when he kicked the kidney bowl across the theatre, and hit the nurse, did it hurt her? He asked how I knew about that and I told him that I was up in the corner of the theatre and saw it happen. He turned to the rest of the staff and said, 'Interesting', before moving away.
The staff never mentioned the incident and when I brought it up they said that I was dreaming; anaesthetics do funny things.