Observations placeholder
Dr Sam Willard sees
Type of Spiritual Experience
It is more likely to be a vision constructed for him by the composer from his past perceptions, but it may include out of body experiences where he goes to places he has never seen before he went blind
A description of the experience
The Soul of things – Professor William Denton
Dr Samuel Willard of Deerfield Massachusetts has, for the last 25 years been completely blind, and for 12 years previous had only been able to distinguish large objects indistinctly; but even now when closeted in his room, visions of the green fields and sunny slopes of the Connecticut valley appear to him as really as when he gazed upon them with his eyes which for so long have admitted no light. He denies that this is his imagination, but regards it as an exhibition of one of the mysterious modes by which the mind may hold communication with the outer world without the aid of the senses