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Observations placeholder

Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr Grimsby has an OBE



Type of Spiritual Experience


No real clues as to why

A description of the experience

Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections

Case No.196 - Mr "Grimsby" sent the following (in litt., Oct.3, 1960):

I feel I ought to write to you regarding your article in the Daily Sketch today.  About seven years ago I went through some of the things you speak about.  Up to now I have only told two people. ... Here is the exact story as it happened.

At the time I was in show-business (stage manager) and was touring all over the place, week by week. One night, in Norwich, I went to bed feeling perfectly normal.  I closed my eyes-then I found I was looking at myself from the foot of the bed. I swear I was not asleep. The agony of fear was awful. I would shake myself only to find my heart and my head pounding (I do not drink).

The following night I had forgotten all about what had happened and got into bed.  The same thing happened again-and it went on happening for six weeks.

Now at no time was I ill or even on the verge of death. I have never been able to sort it out. Since the end of that six weeks I have never had this experience, but I wonder if you could explain it. ... I can honestly say I was not dreaming...

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Activity not known

