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Dr Barend Jacob Frederick Laubscher has his own prophetic experience
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
B J Laubscher – Where Mystery dwells
I now wish to relate one of many personal precognitive perceptions.
It is my custom to walk at least four miles early every morning, before preparing for my professional day. One morning while reading the morning paper, I noticed that a Herald snake had been acquired by the Port Elizabeth Snake Park. I must add that I have no special interest in snakes, except to give them a wide berth. But while just glancing at the words "Herald Snake", I suddenly saw in my mind a large vicious puff adder rearing itself right in front of my feet. I immediately became aware that this was a premonition, and that I would encounter a puff adder on my walk.
Accordingly I decided that I would not go anywhere near bushes and would avoid the Baakens River Reserve. I would walk on the golf course along the fairways. At least, I thought, this would be the most unlikely place for puff adders.
I duly walked briskly inhaling the pure clean air, far removed from the exhaust and diesel engine pollution of the city streets.
I was walking along deep in thought, for these were always my moments when my thinking was unfettered by extraneous disturbances. Suddenly I heard a hiss, and as I leapt back there next to the green in a little footpath was the half-raised body and the broad vicious head of a huge puff adder. Another few inches and I would have trodden on it so "the best laid schemes o mice and men gang aft agley."
The puff adder of course could have been lying there sunning itself when I got the impression in my bed-room but its reaction to my presence had not yet occurred. The question is, did I see all that happened on another dimensionality?
The event was there, I had only to come across it.