Observations placeholder
Democritus - On Auras and perceptions
Type of Spiritual Experience
Hallucination - a spiritual image overlaid on a sensory image
A description of the experience
Patterns of Prophecy – Alan Vaughan
Democritus held that objects of all sorts and especially people continually emitted what he termed images-particles on the atomic level that carried representations of the mental activities, thoughts, characters, and emotions of the persons who originated them.
"And thus charged, they have the effect of living agents: by their impact they communicate and transmit to the recipients the opinions, thoughts, and impulses of their senders, when they reach their goal with the images intact and undistorted." The images "which leap out from persons in an excited and inflamed condition yield, owing to their high frequency and rapid transit, especially vivid and significant representations."
The source of the experience
DemocritusConcepts, symbols and science items
Perceptions - what happens to perceptions
Perceptions - what has perceptions