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Observations placeholder

Delage, Yves - Le Reve - Recognising lucidity



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Yves Delage – Le Reve

I move away and, a short distance away on the Boulevard, between the street corner and the Medici fountain, I join a group of loiterers who are gathered around a contortionist. At this moment I become analytical. I remember coming to Paris the day before, which was a Saturday and it occurs to me that the next day, Monday I shall come again to Paris, as usual, for the sitting of the Academy. And from this I conclude, which is not very meritorious, that today is Sunday.

All at once I say to myself ‘How is it that I am here on a Sunday? This is hardly ever the case’. And at once it dawns on me

‘If it is Sunday and I think I am in Paris, I must be dreaming’

The dream immediately becomes completely lucid, without losing any of its hallucinatory character nor any part of its vividness.

Thus the consideration which brought me to the conviction that I was dreaming was not the weighty argument that the corner of the rue Soufflot seems to be occupied by a shop, which in reality, but not in my dream, [for the memory does not occur to me] I know very well is not there, but it was this very feeble argument that I find myself in Paris on a day when I am not usually there.

The source of the experience

Delage, Yves

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming


Lucid dreaming
