Observations placeholder
Dante - Purgatorio
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dante – The Divine Comedy
'But look, that is Eunoe which flows there;
Lead him to it, and in your usual way
Bring his fainting strength to life again'
As a gentle soul who offers no excuse
But makes her own will of another's will
As soon as that other is disclosed to her;
So, when she had taken me with her
The lovely girl set out; and to Statius,
Said in commanding manner 'Come with him'.
If, reader, I had room to write more
My poem could still not tell you everything
About the sweet drink of which I could never have had enough
But since all the pages designed for this
Second part of the poem have been filled,
The rules of art stop me at this point.
I came back from that most sacred of streams,
Made afresh, as new trees are renewed
With their new foliage, and so I was
Clear and ready to go up to the stars.