Observations placeholder
Type of Spiritual Experience
This student was nearly asphyxiated during a bout of croup
A description of the experience
I was very ill and had great difficulty breathing. One evening I woke about 9 o'clock from sleep realising something was prompting me to wake up and I realised I could not breathe. My eyes were popping out of my head and I was awake I was being asphyxiated. I can remember trying to rouse my sister who was asleep in the same room with me, but as I couldn't breathe this wasn't possible. I told myself to relax and accept that I was unable to breathe and just lay there waiting to die. By this time I was unable to close my eyes.
Then I realised that I was starting to move upwards towards the ceiling and I thought I was going to bang myself on the ceiling at any minute and turned to avoid hitting the ceiling and as I did so I saw myself lying on the bed and I thought I looked very ill, terrible with great bags under my eyes.
I felt weightless and I somehow moved through the ceiling which was no longer important. I was aware of going faster and faster. I wasn't frightened, but I wondered where I was going. Suddenly I heard a stern make voice above me which said
'Get back, get back in there'.
With that I found myself back in bed in a split second. I have no idea how I got there but I gasped for breath and sat up coughing blood. I managed to rouse my sister and told her what happened but she said it was obviously because I was feverish. But I know the experience was totally real
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
fromMargot Grey – Return from Death