Observations placeholder
Croll, Oswald - Preface of Signatures – 09
Type of Spiritual Experience

Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 1990 Dec;97(12):525-9. [From Rumanian folk medicine: Non-specific stimulus therapy using transcutaneous implantation of hellebore (Helleborus purpurascens, Fam. Ranunculaceae) in agriculturally useful animals]. [Article in German] Bogdan I1, Nechifor A, Băşea I, Hruban E.
In the Rumanian traditional medicine a transcutaneous implantation of the root of Helleborus purpurascens is used to provoke leucocytosis and neutrophils with the aim to activate chronic diseases for better healing. The skin is perforated with a thick needle (in cattle and horses in the area of the thorax, in sheep and pigs in the ear flap), the transplant is introduced and after 24 hours removed. Though the method is more than 100 years old, it is not reported in the literature. The way of action is unknown. The investigation are performed to show the efficacy of this method of Helleborus-implants in comparison with the effect of an placebo. It could be shown that Helleborus-implant increased leucocytes in horses, sheep and pigs and increased neutrophils in all animal species. In the same way the phagocytosis was increased. Only in horses an abscess was observed. As a loss of performance may occur and fever and inappetence is followed by the implantation the authors dissuade from the use of Helleborus-implants in cattle and horses. Pigs and sheep tolerate this procedure without any problems, so that the methods may be used in modern treatment.
PMID: 2088706
Note Leukocytosis is when the white blood cell count (the leukocyte count) is above the normal range in the blood. It is frequently a sign of an inflammatory response, most commonly the result of infection, but may also occur following certain parasitic infections or bone tumors. In effect, this 'vaccination' is used to provoke the animals' own immune system to fight parasitical infestation.
A description of the experience
Croll, Oswald - Preface of Signatures – 09
Those who with most simple herbs, and roots effect the cure, sanation [health-giving] therewith is best of all performed, as is witnessed by Carrichterus; for the medicinal essence, or magick gold, is as equally well contained in them, as in others more precious. As the Earth in every region exhibits food, and clothing, if not to answer voluptuous superfluity, yet sufficient for natural sustinence: so also Nature, the same mother and parent of all things, which provides abundantly for all, hath distributed a necessary sufficiency of medicaments. Every particular country has in itself the matrix of its own element, and to itself exhibits what is necessary. To all Earths, and regions, to every nation, climate, heaven , or age, Nature hath produced, and tempered appropriate herbs, peculiar to every earth, region, nation, climate, etc. In which, as in all other creatures, the masculine and feminine kind is found, (as in things created, the divine providence hath not in vain distinguished the male, and female) which in use and application, must not confusedly, without distinction of sex, be adhibited: For as the man and woman in Nature are distinct, so also should their remedies be, and ought rather to be simple than hermaphroditic; yea, some only profit youth, others age, as we see in Hellebores.
[According to the climate of regions and its diversity, so are men, customs, and the virtues of plants varied.]