Observations placeholder
Croiset, Gerard - Finding the child from Slikkerveer, near a bridge still to be built
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Croiset the Clairvoyant - Jack Harrison Pollack
Bridge in the Making
Gerard Croiset used his precognition powers in a case with a happier ending. A small boy disappeared near the little village of Slikkerveer in early 1962. When Croiset's help was asked, he quickly said, "There is a large bridge near where the boy now is."
"Impossible, there is no bridge in the neighbourhood," he was told.
But when a police official checked and confirmed that a bridge was in the blueprint stage in that area, it was searched.
Sure enough, the missing boy was found there safe and sound.
The bridge was not yet built. Nevertheless, Gerard Croiset had a clear image of it. He saw a bridge in the present which would be there in the future. Compressing the present and future enables Croiset to break the time barrier, explains Professor Tenhaeff. In parapsychology terminology, compression occurs when two or more images blend or mix together-from the past, present, or future.