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Observations placeholder

Count of St Germain - Using plants and teas to heal



Type of Spiritual Experience


Nature = alchemy spiritual and healing

A description of the experience

The Comte de St. Germain - by Isabel Cooper-Oakley - [1912]

The Count stayed with the Prince Karl of Hesse  for some time as his loved and honoured guest. They began various experiments together, experiments which were in all cases to be of use to the human race. Writing of the knowledge and alluding to the early education of M. de St. Germain by the Duc de Medici, the Prince says:

"This House (Medici), as is well known, was in possession of the highest knowledge, and it is not surprising that he should have drawn his earlier knowledge from them; but he claimed to have learned that of Nature by his own application and researches. He thoroughly understood herbs and plants, and had invented the medicines of which he constantly made use, and which prolonged his life and health.

I still have all his recipes, but the physicians ran riot much against his science after his death. There was a physician, Lossau, who had been an apothecary, and to whom I gave 1,200 crowns a year to work at the medicines which the Comte de St. Germain taught him, among others and chiefly his tea, which the rich bought and the poor received gratis. . . . After the death of this physician, disgusted by the talk I heard on all sides, I withdrew all the recipes, and I did not replace Lossau."

The source of the experience

Count of St Germain

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Eating for health
Healing yourself

