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Observations placeholder

Count of St Germain - Covered in diamonds



Type of Spiritual Experience


This is unproven but if one was to compare the count and Sai Baba also on this site, they may have had similar powers.  Sai Baba could materialise gold rings and statues.  It is possible the count could apport diamonds.

There is an addition to this in the text Isabel found a text that said

"From 1737 to 1742, our mystic was at the Court of the Shah of Persia, and it is here that he probably acquired his knowledge of diamonds and precious stones, for according to his own very credible statement, it was here that he began to understand the secrets of Nature; but his arduously acquired knowledge leads us to infer a long period of careful study. These hints we gather from F. W. von Barthold  in his interesting work, and they confirm the statement made by another writer that M. de St. Germain had been pursuing his researches in Persia."

Germain was an alchemist and the secrets of Nature are the kundalini experience and the use of sex magick etc

A description of the experience

The Comte de St. Germain - by Isabel Cooper-Oakley - [1912]

"The Count dresses simply but with taste. His only luxury consists of a large number of diamonds, with which he is fairly covered; he wears them on every finger, and they are set in his snuffboxes and his watches. One evening he appeared at court with shoebuckles, which Herr v. Gontaut, an expert on precious stones, estimated at 200,000 Francs".

[This is from] a letter of the Count's written to the Graf von Lamberg:

"I am indebted for my knowledge of melting jewels to my second journey to India, in the year 1755, with General Clive, who was under Vice Admiral Watson. On my first journey I had only a very faint idea of the wonderful secret of which we are speaking; all the attempts that I made in Vienna, Paris and London, are worthless as experiments; the great work was undertaken at the time I have mentioned."

Every writer, adverse or favourable, mentions and lays stress on the wonderful power of improving precious stones that was possessed by M. de St. Germain. Indeed almost every sort of art seems to have been more or less known to him, judging by the many testimonies that we have on these points.

Madame du Hausset relates in her memoirs an interesting instance of his knowledge of precious stones.

"The King ordered a middling-sized diamond which had a flaw in it, to be brought to him. After having it weighed, his Majesty said to the Comte: 'The value of this diamond as it is, and with the flaw in it, is six thousand livres; without the flaw it would be worth at least ten thousand. Will you undertake to make me a gainer of four thousand livres?' St. Germain examined it very attentively, and said, 'It is possible; it may be done. I will bring it to you again in a month.'

"At the time appointed the Comte de St. Germain brought back the diamond without a spot, and gave it to the King. It was wrapped in a cloth of amianthos, which he took off. The king had it weighed immediately, and found it very little diminished. His Majesty then sent it to his jeweller by M. de Gontaut, without telling him of anything that had passed. The jeweller gave him nine thousand six hundred livres for it. The King, however, sent for the diamond back again, and said he would keep it as a curiosity. He could not overcome his surprise, and said M. de St. Germain must be worth millions, especially if he possessed the secret of making large diamonds out of small ones. The Comte neither said that he could or could not, but positively asserted that he knew how to make pearls grow, and give them the finest water. The King paid him great attention, and so did Madame de Pompadour"

The source of the experience

Count of St Germain

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

