Observations placeholder
Cannabis and tinnitus
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Citation: Phil E. Drifter. "Greatly Reduces Tinnitus: An Experience with Cannabis (ID 64293)". Erowid.org. Jul 9, 2007. erowid.org/exp/64293
I have had tinnitus, or ringing in my ears, most of my life, I think as a result of me listening to loud rock music through headphones when I was young because no one ever told me it could damage my hearing. For the longest time, I thought everyone had it, then I did a little research on it and figured I did it to myself in my early teen years, having a dysfunctional family, I listened to a lot of rock music through headphones to drown out my family.
I didn't start smoking cannabis until after I got to college, and I've recently realized, on many occasions, that when I take a large bong or bowl hit that I think I can handle but ultimately can't, I go into a drastic coughing fit, it is in those few moments that I 'hear' the tinnitus in my ears greatly decrease. I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being barely audible and 10 being extremely distracting, my tinnitus in a matter of seconds goes from 6 or 8 to 1 or 2.
I've gotten to the point where when my tinnitus is audibly bothering me, I'll take a large hit, cause a coughing fit for myself, an be amazed as it's 'volume' greatly decreases.