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Observations placeholder

Burmese rebirth



Type of Spiritual Experience


It should be noted that at no stage is the rebirth experience joyful or bliss making or for that matter one you can experience at a religious convention for example.   So those many who claim rebirth are usually incorrect, they have experienced at best bliss.

Some of the experiences are prefaced by the entrance of extremely unpleasant spirits that are your escorts to take you on this ‘journey’.  In the following I have provided two observations the description is fairly representative of the spirits seen.  The first observation is a picture from a Burmese book of myths and legends, the second is from the a book by an Italian priest…………….

A description of the experience


Hypnerotomachia Poliphili [The Strife of Love in a Dream]   - Francesco Colonna translated by Joscelyn Godwin
My shaken body relaxed in its first sleep, which is the best, sweetest and most refreshing; it stretched out and slept in the silent night.  But it was as if I had the eumeces stone at my head; I seemed to hear a great noise as though bolts were being shot, locks forced and burglars breaking the iron bars and violently throwing open the doors on the threshold of my bedroom.  Then there entered heedlessly with rapid and hurrying steps, two horrible executioners with bulging and swollen cheeks, coarse clothing and gross and shocking peasant gestures.  They looked wild and angry, with fearful eyes that were more piercing than those of the deadly basilisk; large and round, they rolled in their cavernous sockets beneath bushy eyebrows, dense and bristly with long thick hairs like those of Sileni.  They had huge pendulous lips, thick swollen and curling, the colour of putrefaction; the great teeth in their jaws were uneven, rotten and rusty like old iron, destitute of gums and abandoned by the lips, which left them uncovered.  They stuck out of their gaping mouths like a boar’s tusks, foaming in the chase and gave off a foul stink.  Their faces were hideous and deformed, dusky and leaden in colour, covered in fissures and wrinkles………….

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items


Spirit helper


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


