Observations placeholder
Buddha - Heart sutra - Prana paramita
Type of Spiritual Experience
Paramita is "perfection" or "completeness." In Buddhism, the paramitas refer to the perfection or culmination of certain 'virtues'. In Buddhism, these 'virtues' are cultivated as a way of purification, helping the aspirant to live an unobstructed life, while reaching the goal of enlightenment.
A description of the experience
From The Heart Sutra
One should know the Prana paramita as the great spell
The spell of great knowledge
The utmost spell
The unequalled spell
Allayer of all suffering
In truth – for what could be wrong?
By the Prana paramita has this spell been delivered
It runs like this
Gone, gone, gone beyond
Gone altogether beyond
O what an awakening
All hail
This completes the heart of perfect wisdom