Observations placeholder
Cible d’amour
Type of Spiritual Experience
The painting is from the Louvre website
François BOUCHER; Paris, 1703 - Paris, 1770
‘The target of love’ was intended to be used as a pattern for a tapestry in the series called ‘the Loves of the Gods’ which was to be made by the royal manufacturer of the Gobelins
A description of the experience
You made her your target of love
She, with a heart totally exposed
Vulnerable and pulsating
You drew from your quiver of arrows, one for her
A slim, fine thing
Pointed passion
You placed it in your bow
And pulled the cord back
Taut with desire.
Between you
No distance, no distance at all
So that when the arrow struck
It sunk deep deep into her heart
A bullseye, blood red
So deep no one else can even see it is there
Only you
And you would have the arrow stay.
No one can pull the arrow out now
To pull it out would not just leave a scar
So great is the gash.
Only the arrow plugging the wound
Keeps her hope from seeping away
No, leave it there,
That arrow you have let loose
But consider what you have done
For with that simple act
You are now responsible for whether she lives or dies
And she lives forever wounded
And dies if you remove the arrow