Observations placeholder
Being enveloped in bed
Type of Spiritual Experience
Jenny Randles is one of the masters in the area of carefully, scientifically and systematically documenting strange and spiritually interesting experiences
A description of the experience
Mrs Noreen from Leeds reported some of her experiences to me. They began when she was a teenager, but the first vivid incident occurred in 1977. Her father had died whilst she was still young and on this occasion she felt that he had returned.
In fact what happened was much more in keeping with the cases already described in this section than an actual sighting of her dead father. She heard a noise like the wind coming up the stairs and then felt as though it 'enveloped the bed'.
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Spirit helperSymbols
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Jenny Randles – Supernatural Pennines