Observations placeholder
Bad car accident
Type of Spiritual Experience
This report was given to Jenny Randles in September l976. Mary Cotton told her the following:
A description of the experience
‘I was driving from Prestwich to Bury with my young daughter in the front seat. I was not thinking of anything spooky. Then, out of nowhere, something hit us. A car rammed us from the side and almost immediately I must have become unconscious. But there was something else – something totally bizarre.
I felt a slight jerk as if I had been pushed through the roof of the car and now I was floating in the air watching the scene unfold with curiosity.’
Mary went on to say that she felt no fear but was distressed about her daughter.
'She had been thrown from the front seat into the rear of the car and looked in very bad shape. But I knew she wasn't dead. As for me I felt no pain. I was just a mind on its own looking down at the flesh and bone below, which after a few moments I realized was me - or rather my body - crushed against the wheel and obviously dead to the world.'
From her position hovering unseen about 10 feet above the car Mary had a panoramic view of what happened next.
"Two men arrived and I could see them struggling with the door, which seemed to be wedged. Eventually they got it free and started to pull at the body. It was like watching them move a doll. But then as they pulled 'me' outside I suddenly shifted position again and was inside that doll looking up at the men and moaning with pain.'
Thankfully, although her daughter was very badly injured, both victims survived this accident, but the out-of-body experience left a vivid impression.
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Jenny Randles – Supernatural Pennines