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Observations placeholder

Bach, Dr Edward - On adversity



Type of Spiritual Experience


Dr Bach believed that when you come up again obstacles and as he put it ‘interference’ and you treat them as unsurmountable or let them get to you, you can end up becoming ill.

In effect he believed that disease was the result of interference, interfering with someone else or allowing ourselves to be interfered with.  ‘The moment the thought of another person enters our minds, it deflects us from our true course’.  We could interpret this to mean that our only thoughts should be selfish ones.  But that is not what he means.

It is not wrong to ‘love your neighbour’, it is not wrong to be kind or generous, to give solace or support,  or consider your actions in relation to the hurt it may do them, but it is wrong to try to give other people advice ‘if I was you’, or live their life for them or constantly interfere in what they were trying to do.  Only the person themselves knows their ‘purpose’, only the person themself knows what their heart and soul is telling them to do.

A description of the experience

Dr Edward Bach

Interferences occur in every life, they are part of the Divine Plan, they are necessary so that we can learn to stand up to them; in fact we can look upon them as really useful opponents, there to help us gain in strength, and realise our Divinity and our invincibility.  And we can also know that it is only when we allow them to affect us that they gain in importance and tend to check our progress.

It rests entirely with us how quickly we progress; whether we allow interference in our Divine mission, whether we accept the manifestation of interference  - disease - and let it limit and injure our bodies; or whether we, as children of God, use these to establish us the more firmly in our purpose

The source of the experience

Bach, Dr Edward

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Squash the big I am

