Observations placeholder
Atharvaveda - III 25 Charm to arouse the passionate love of a woman
Type of Spiritual Experience
Kama = Eros = love
A description of the experience
The Atharvaveda - translated by Maurice Bloomfield
May love, the disquieter, disquiet thee
do not hold out upon thy bed
With the terrible arrow of love
do I pierce thee
in thy heart
The arrow, winged with longing
barbed with love
whose shaft is undeviating desire
with that,
well aimed
Kama shall pierce thee in thy heart
With that well aimed arrow of Kama
which parches the spleen
whose plume flies forward
which burns up
do I pierce thee in thy heart
Consumed by burning ardour
with parched mouth
do thou woman come to me
thy pride laid aside
mine alone
speaking sweetly and to me devoted
All her thoughts do ye
O Mitra and Varuna
drive out of her.
having deprived her of her will,
put her into my power