Observations placeholder
Anacreon - Tell me gentle youth, I pray
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Tell Me, Gentle Youth, I Pray Thee
'Tell me, gentle youth, I pray thee,
What in purchase shall I pay thee
For this little waxen toy,
Image of the Paphian boy?'
Thus I said the other day,
To a youth who pass'd my way:
'Sir,' (he answer'd, and the while
Answer'd all in Doric style,)
'Take it, for a trifle take it;
Think not yet that I could make it;
Pray, believe it was not I;
No-it cost me many a sigh,
And I can no longer keep
Little gods, who murder sleep!'
'Here, then, here,' (I said with joy,)
'Here is silver for the boy:
He shall be my bosom guest,
Idol of my pious breast!'
Little Love! thou now art mine,
Warm me with that torch of thine;
Make me feel as I have felt,
Or thy waxen frame shall melt.
I must burn in warm desire,
Or thou, my boy, in yonder fire
The source of the experience
AnacreonConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Beauty, art and musicBeing naked in the sun
Listening to music
Making love
Sexy eating - dairy products, eggs, figs and nuts