Observations placeholder
A strange light came out of the clock dial, and the voice of my brother ‘For me, it is finished! For me, it's over!’
Type of Spiritual Experience
Also used in Ernesto Bozzano - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death [110 cases suggesting survival after death]
A description of the experience
from the Proceedings of the American S.P.R. (1882-1889, page 429).
This is a carefully considered incident in which the telekinetic phenomenon occurs simultaneously with another of a telepathic nature. The percipient, Mr. G.W. Fry, railway employee, writes:
I had lived with my brother Gédéon for a long time, which meant that there were intimate relations of partnership between us that could not exist between the other members of the family. On the day of Friday, December 2, 1887, I received a telegram from Big Rapids announcing that he was seriously ill and would probably not survive much more than twenty-four hours. I knew he was ill, but I had not known until then that he was in desperate conditions. As I could not give up my duties to run to his bedside, I felt deeply depressed, I was constantly thinking of him, and on Sunday, December 4, I went to church to pray for him. In the evening of Sunday, after attending church service, I began to write to him.
While I was still at my desk, I noticed that the clock's pendulum on the opposite wall had stopped. I got up to look at it and, looking at the time on my watch, I noticed that the stoppage had only been for a few minutes. When I inserted the key into the dial to wind up the clock, I observed that it was already wound.
I was about to set the hands to the correct hour, when a strange light came out of the dial, from which, it seemed to me, came these words, uttered very clearly, with the tone of voice of my brother: "For me, it is finished! For me, it's over!" I was deeply impressed and convinced that my brother had died and that the words I had heard were the last words he had spoken, I put aside the letter I had written and did not send it.
The next morning, before going to work, I told my wife about the incident. At 11:30 in the evening, I received a dispatch from my brother Daniel: "Gedeon is dead. Come immediately to Montague ".
The telegram was signed by my sister Lizzie. Shortly afterwards, I received a letter in which my sister said that Gedeon died at 8:45 a. m. on Sunday, December 4, and that his last words were: "For me, it's over! For me, it's over!" I had heard the voice in the clock at 9:45 a. m., but the time difference is justified by the distance between Oil City and Big Rapids...
(The rapporteur's wife, Mrs Kate. Y. Fry, sister Lizzie Fry and friend S. W. Turner confirm the said above.)