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A review of the efficacy of traditional Iranian medicine for inflammatory bowel disease
Type of Spiritual Experience
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World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Sep 28;16(36):4504-14.
A review of the efficacy of traditional Iranian medicine for inflammatory bowel disease.
Rahimi R, Shams-Ardekani MR, Abdollahi M.
......In traditional Iranian medicine (TIM), several medicinal plants are thought to be effective for the treatment of IBD. In this study, information on all of these remedies were derived from all available old sources such as documents or notes and books and were added to the information derived from modern medical databases covering all in vitro, in vivo and clinical trials. For some of these plants, only one or two mechanisms of action have been found such as in Cassia fistula, Lepidium sativum, and Bunium persicum. However, for some plants various mechanisms of action are known. For example, Commiphora mukul is effective in IBD due to its immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties and it decreases NF-κB, NO and Cox-2.
PMID: 20857519