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A New Favorite Kratom by sepulfreak
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
A New Favorite
by sepulfreak
Citation: sepulfreak. "A New Favorite: An Experience with Kratom (ID 38490)". Erowid.org. Feb 16, 2005. erowid.org/exp/38490
DOSE: | oral | Kratom | (tea) |
BODY WEIGHT: | 155 lb |
Experience: As far as Opiates/Opioids and Opiate-like drugs, I have tried Poppy tea, Opium, Codeine, Morphine, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Hydromorphone, Heroin, Propoxyphene, Methadone, and Tramadol.
Method of dosing: Tea
Dose and Duration: 1.5-9g, around 3-4 hours
Medications: None
I have always prepared my Kratom by mixing it in a pot with water, lemon juice, and sugar (after it is boiled). I then bring it slowly to a light boil, and then I reduce the heat, letting it sit for a minute or two. After that, I strain the powder out with a coffee filter, and enjoy.
I was very surprised the first time I tried Kratom, though I used 3g of the resin extract that time. The effects were noted as very similar to that of Hydrocodone. This feeling is characterized by a strong sense of well being, social enhancement, empathy, surface euphoria, as well as a very warm, deep euphoric, sedation typical of Heroin. However, there is something different as well due to the indolic alkaloids in Kratom. When the effect first starts to settle in, I get a sense of stimulation, and my visual perception changes a bit. It actually feels like I am feeling the first alerts of a low dose Psilocybin high.
Ever since this first experiment, I have used the powdered Rifat strain of Kratom. It is rumored to be close to twice as potent as the more common strain of powder. I find the effects even more enjoyable than the resin. The taste to the tea is even very enjoyable for me, though some people have found it quite bitter. Personally, I love it.
At around 1.5-2g, I normally only get am alertness of the senses, mild stimulation, and a strange, extremely mild hallucinogenic perceptual change. It also causes mild euphoria, social enhancing effects, and a desire to work/study, though no narcotic effects are noted at this dose range.
At around 4g, all of these effects are amplified, though there is a stronger narcotic property that seems to 'melt' away the stimulation and changes the path of feeling.
At around 6-6.5g (my favorite dose range), the narcotic properties really kick in. At this point, there is a strong sense of pain reduction (both psychological, emotional, and physical). I have actually used it for back pain before, and it worked better than any reasonable dose of a pharmaceutical Opiate/Opioid I've used. The desire to work is enhanced, but my vision and thinking processes are altered as if intoxicated, so it wouldn't be very useful to study with at this dose. The euphoria is extremely intense, and it feels very real and clean. It just feels 'right.' With other Opiates/Opioids, I feel like I'm always trying to hide something or use them as some sort of escape, but this seems to actually help me through things. I get some empathy and heart opening happiness that causes me to talk about personal issues. Unlike other Opiates/Opioids, I don't feel like it was for nothing the next day. There is somewhat of an Opiate hangover, though I don't crave and feel the detox. I feel satisfied. It is without a doubt my favorite Opiate-like drug.
At 9g, I could hardly walk. My vision was extremely distorted, and there was actually a mild hallucinogenic effect. The trees seemed to sway a bit, and my sense of vision was enhanced. Colors seemed brighter, and the euphoria was beyond powerful. I was really warm, and I just layed in the autumn leaves in the middle of a beautiful hollow in the woods. There were lots of large Red and White Oak trees around the area too. I felt a strong connection with nature. I felt unity and admiration of God's creation. Later into the experience, I felt some nausea typical of other Opiates but nothing that bothered me. However, this was a bit high of a dose for me. 6.5g is perfect. Kratom also causes than 'Oh so pleasant' itch.
I have also tried Kratom at 6.5g in combination with Cannabis to see if the hallucinogenic effects of both herbs were enhanced. The Cannabis I had was a high grade sativa strain, and I smoked it as soon as I felt the onset of the Kratom high. All I can say is 'Wow!' The euphoria was blissful. Music sounded orgasmic, and I just moved along with what I was listening to, and it was felt very much in the body and mind. I had mild tracer effects, and the dream-like quality of Kratom was brought out even more. The closed eye patterns I get from Cannabis seemed to be more intense and turned into more intricate, dreamy scenarios. There is no way to explain the feeling of synergy between these two herbs. Extreme euphoria.
Overall, Kratom is not just an herb to get an Opiate-high from, but is a good pain reliever, it motivates the mind and body for work and study, and gives me a profound sense of well being. It has without a doubt become one of my favorite herbs.
Exp Year: 2004 | ExpID: 38490 |
Gender: Male | |
Age at time of experience: Not Given | |
Published: Feb 16, 2005 | Views: 37,070 |