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Observations placeholder

Violent weather and its impact on childbirth



Type of Spiritual Experience



No spiritual experience, but being born premature results in spiritual experiences and when you were born has an effect on your horoscope!


A description of the experience

Orv Hetil. 1990 Sep 9;131(36):1973-8. [Weather front sensitivity as an influencing factor in the onset of labor]. [Article in Hungarian] Mészáros G, Herczeg J, Bártfai E, Boda K. Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Egyetem, Szeged, Szülészeti és Nögyógyászati Klinika.

The connection between meteorological stimuli and the onset of labor was examined on the basis of the patients' front-sensitivity.

Front-sensitivity was tested by a questionary containing 60 questions. Converse relation was observed between the degree of sensitivity and the gestational age.

A sudden rise of onsets of labors could be shown during frontal changes, occurred after meteorologically quiet periods. During frontal changes the ratio of onsets of labors rose significantly among those patients who were sensitive tho the given front. This effect could be observed during a longer period of frontal influence.

By the authors opinion also meteorological stimuli can be regarded as one of the factors, determining the actual date of onset of labor among front-sensitive women.

PMID: 2216421

 Z Geburtshilfe Perinatol. 1993 Nov-Dec;197(6):275-82. [Is premature labor weather-dependent? Correlation of premature labor with meteorologic data]. [Article in German] Schaller A, Dickie MB, Radner K, Sabo P. II. Universitäts-Frauenklinik Wien.

A preselected cluster of births (12351-4719 = 7632 = n) which was divided into 3 groups (delivery between 28-32 gestational weeks, 33-37 gestational weeks and > 37 gestational weeks) has been correlated with six major weather situations of the four meteorologically defined seasons.

The correlation was made with the date of birth and with one day as well as two days before.

The duration of pregnancy was longer by an average of 0.45 weeks (i.e. 3 days) when the major weather situation did not change for more than 8 days.

The group with delivery 28-32 weeks is more sensitive to meteorological influences than the group with delivery 33-37 weeks.

During cyclonic as well as during anticyclonic atmospheric drifts the groups 28-33 wks and 33-37 wks have been statistically over-represented.

As far as the season is concerned over-representation is found in autumn.

We conclude that pregnancies at risk of premature delivery should be followed up in short intervals during cyclonic and anticyclonic atmospheric drifts especially during the autumn season.

PMID: 8147047

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Going out in violent weather


Premature birth

