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Observations placeholder

Dental fillings, allergy and mental and other illness



Type of Spiritual Experience



I'm not sure I follow the logic here, what it says is

1.  Dental amalgam does cause allergies and autoimmune diseases

2.  Dental amalgam is the biggest source of mercury for us all

3.  Mercury released from dental amalgam induces measurable organ effects

But the final sentence then says "Current literature lacks sound evidence of a role for amalgam in human disease other than allergy", which is, one would have thought, a condemnation of the scientific community and their ability to make a link given the evidence presented above, rather than an 'all clear' for amalgam.

A description of the experience


Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1996 Apr 20;126(16):661-5. [Amalgam allergy and amalgam controversy]. [Article in German] Lübbe J, Wüthrich B. Dermatologische Klinik und Poliklinik, Universitätsspital Zürich.

Safety concerns regarding dental amalgam have been voiced ever since its introduction 150 years ago. As most people have amalgam fillings, the issue has received extensive coverage in the lay as well as the medical medical media. This has led to confusion about the terms amalgam allergy, mercury burden and intoxication, and amalgam disease, an understanding of which is crucial in consideration of this controversy.

Allergy to amalgam  - is rare and should be investigated by a specialist, as diagnosis may result in a decision to remove dental amalgam.

Mercury burden - Dental amalgam is the most important source of mercury burden in the general population. Occupational exposure to mercury within established exposure limits reaches levels much higher without evidence of intoxication. However, mercury released from dental amalgam induces measurable organ effects.

Amalgam disease  - has been introduced as a term to identify patients who typically ascribe a variety of symptoms to their amalgam fillings.

Current literature lacks sound evidence of a role for amalgam in human disease other than allergy.

PMID: 8658093

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

