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Observations placeholder

Ibn El-Arabi - Henry Corbin - Fursus al-hikam



Type of Spiritual Experience


The Ringstones of Wisdom (also translated as The Bezels of Wisdom), or Fusus al-Hikam was composed during the later period of Ibn Arabi's life.


A description of the experience

Da’ud Qaysari- commentary on Fursus al-hikam [translated by Henry Corbin and Nancy Pearson]

The Shaikh Ibn Arabi in Chapter 321 of ‘The Book of the Spiritual Conquests of Mecca’ demonstrates clearly that the second barzakh is different from the first.  He calls the latter the ‘mystery of the possible’, whereas he calls the former the ‘mystery of the impossible’ in the sense that what exists in the first can be manifested in our visible world, whereas it is not possible for that which is in the second to return to the visible state........

The archetypal Images correspond with the intelligible Forms inscribed on the tabula secreta, which is the manifested form of the divine world........

.......Know that the mundus archetypus is a spiritual universe of luminous substance; on the one hand it has affinity with material substance, in that it is the object of perception and possesses extent; on the other hand, it has an affinity with separate intelligible substance, in that its nature is that of pure light

The source of the experience

Ibn El-Arabi

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Inherited genes
Love with visualisation

