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Observations placeholder

Neruda, Pablo - Every day you play with the light of the universe



Type of Spiritual Experience


The following wonderful poem by Pablo Neruda shows how the love of a person –human love translated into divine love  – is also capable of helping him and them  see their Higher spirit.  In some senses he is performing an act of ‘creation’ – and here I do not mean the obvious one of creating babies, but the act of transforming a person – in effect helping them to ‘flower’; or as Neruda puts it “I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees

A description of the experience

Selected Poems – Pablo Neruda

Every day you play with the light of the universe
Subtle visitor, you arrive in the flower and the water.
You are more than this white head that I hold tightly
as a bunch of flowers, every day, between my hands.

You are like nobody, since I love you.
Let me spread you out among yellow garlands.
Who writes your name in letters of smoke among the stars of the south?
Oh let me remember you as you were before you existed....

You are here.  Oh you do not run away.
You will answer me to the last cry.
Curl round me as though you were frightened.
Even so, a strange shadow once ran through your eyes.

Now, now too, little one, you bring me honeysuckle,
and even your breasts smell of it
While the sad wind goes slaughtering butterflies
I love you, and my happiness bites the plum of your mouth

How you must have suffered getting accustomed to me,
my savage, solitary soul, my name that sends them all running.
So many times we have seen the morning star burn, kissing our eyes,
and over our heads the grey light unwind in turning fans.

My words rained over you, stroking you.
A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body
Until I even believe that you own the universe.
I will bring you happy flowers from the mountains, bluebells
dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses

I want
to do with you what spring does with cherry trees

The source of the experience

Neruda, Pablo

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Making love

