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Observations placeholder

Beowulf - His use of Power and Tributes on his Death 004863



Type of Spiritual Experience


Describes how a 'hero' figure reacts - two examples one of what happened when he gained power and the other of what happened on his death.  In both instances, despite the fact that he wielded great power he is described as

'The gentlest of men, and the most gracious
The kindest to his people,'

A description of the experience

Beowulf[gains power]

There Hygd offered him the hoard and the kingdom
The gift stool and its treasure; not trusting that her son
Would be able to hold the inherited seats
Against the foreign peoples now his father was dead
But the bereaved people could arrive at no conditions
Under which the atheling would accept the kingdom
Or allow himself to be lord over Heardred
Rather he fostered him among the people with friendly counsel
With kindliness and respect, until he came of age
And ruled the Geats

Beowulf [death of]

Then the warriors rode around the barrow
Twelve of them in all, athelings sons
They recited a dirge to declare their grief
Spoke of the man, mourned their king
They praised his manhood and the prowess of his hands
They raised his name, it is right a man
Should be lavish in honouring his lord and friend
Should love him in his heart when the leading forth
From the house of flesh befalls him
This was the manner of mourning of the men of the Geats
Sharers in the feast, at the fall of their lord
They said that he was of all the world’s kings
The gentlest of men, and the most gracious
The kindest to his people, the keenest for dame

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items


Spiritual path


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Squash the big I am

