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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Thus did my wise longing



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Thus spake Zarathustra - Nietzsche

 Thus did my wise longing, born in the mountains, cry and laugh in me; a wild wisdom, verily - my great pinion-rustling longing!

And oft did it carry me off and up and away and in the midst of laughter; then flew I quivering like an arrow with sun-intoxicated rapture –

Out into distant futures, which no dream hath yet seen into warmer souths than ever sculptor conceived - where gods in their dancing are ashamed of all clothes:

Where all becoming seemed to me dancing of Gods, and wantoning of Gods, and the world unloosed and unbridled and fleeing back to itself –

As an eternal self-fleeing and re-seeking of one another of many Gods, as the blessed self-contradicting, recommuning, and refraternising with one another of many Gods –

Where all time seemed to me a blessed mockery of moments, where necessity was freedom itself, which played happily with the goad of freedom –

Where I also found again mine old devil and arch-enemy, the spirit of gravity, and all that it created: constraint, law, necessity and consequence and purpose and will and good and evil –

For must there not be that which is danced over, danced beyond?

Must there not, for the sake of the nimble, the nimblest - be moles and clumsy dwarfs?

The source of the experience

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm

Concepts, symbols and science items


Spirit being

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

