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Observations placeholder

Porter, Cole - True Love



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Bing Crosby & Grace Kelly - True Love (1956)


Porter wrote two more film scores and music for a television special before ending his Hollywood career. The film High Society (1956), starring Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly, included Porter's last major hit song, "True Love". The film was later adapted as a stage musical of the same name. Porter also wrote numbers for the film Les Girls (1957), which starred Gene Kelly. His final score was for a CBS television colour special, Aladdin (1958).

"True Love" was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Song. The Crosby–Kelly version, accompanied by Johnny Green's MGM studio orchestra using a romantic arrangement by Conrad Salinger, was a hit single, peaking No. 4 in the United States and No. 4 in the UK.

Kelly's contribution on the record is relatively minor, duetting with Crosby on only the final chorus. Nonetheless, the single is co-credited to her and became her only gold record. It was Crosby's 21st gold record.

True Love

Suntanned, windblown
Honeymooners at last alone
Feeling far above par
Oh, how lucky we are

While I give to you and you give to me
True love, true love
So on and on it will always be
True love, true love

For you and I have a guardian angel
On high, with nothing to do
But to give to you and to give to me
Love forever true

For you and I have a guardian angel
On high, with nothing to do
But to give to you and to give to me
Love forever true
Love forever true

The source of the experience

Porter, Cole

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps
